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Access and Compliance


The sections under the Resources tab provide links to external groups and websites related to disabilities, including disability organizations, disability rights websites, financial/scholarship resources, etc.  We have also included an external set of resources for faculty who may wish to research best practices or creative ideas for teaching specific content while accommodating a specific type of disability.

Testing and Evaluation Resources contains a list of Birmingham area practitioners from whom we have received acceptable documentation for learning disabilities, attention disorders, traumatic brain injury or Autism Spectrum disorders. The University does not  provide testing or evaluation services for these diagnoses.  The list is not an endorsement for any specific practitioner, nor does it restrict submission of documentation from another qualified source.  It is merely a starting point if a student is seeking such testing. Please contact them directly to inquire about areas of expertise, cost, or time frame for testing and report writing. Off campus referral lists for diagnosis or treatment in the area of emotional or psychiatric disorders can be provided by Counseling Services, and, similarly, Health Services can assist students with referral to medical specialists.